DigiFab Additional Resources

Here you can find information on various resources in the DigiFab lab that are not detailed on other pages. Below you can find information on the computers in the DigiFab lab, the Pallete3 filament splicers, the Artec Spider 3D laser scanner, as well as some more detailed information about the many materials you may wish to use in the DigiFab lab on various machines.

DigiFab Computing Resources

The DigiFab lab has 3 different computers available for users. The three workstations are the 3D Printer workstation, the Laser workstation, and the CAD workstation. To login to a respective computer, first visit


and log in with your UT EID. From here, you should be able to see the login information for your respective user (Texas Robotics or Design) for each of the machines. If you are not able to see login information for a specific machine, please contact the lab manager to be added.

The 3D Printer workstation is located next to the FormLabs printers. This computer contains all of the slicer software for all of the various printers in the DigiFab lab. It is also located next to the FormLabs printers to allow them to connect to it via USB and upload prints. Users are welcome to use this printer for all slicer applications. If any additional 3D printer slicer applications or updates are required, contact the shop manager to install these softwares.

The CAD workstation also contains all of the 3D printer slicer softwares. Both the 3D Printer and CAD workstations can be used to set up 3D prints. In addition, the CAD workstation has an installation of Solidworks and MasterCAM for various design applications. Additionally, Artec3D is available for using the Artec Spider 3D scanner. If any additional design software could be beneficial, contact the lab manager to see if said software can be installed on the machine.

The Laser workstation is dedicated entirely to the Epilog Fusion Pro laser. This computer is set up to allow vector (.svg) files to be easily printed on the Epilog Fusion Pro without any additional setup. This workstation also has installations of Inkscape and CorelDraw for .svg design work.

Additionally, many users also prefer to use their own computers for many of the above features. Below is a list of all of the free software that can be downloaded on your computer:

Downloading these softwares on your own computer are not required, but may make your workflow more convenient and prevent other users from modifying your preferred settings.

Pallete3 Filament Splicer

Pallete3 Filament Splicer Walkthrough

Artec Spider 3D Laser Scanner

The Artec Spider laser scanner is a very high resolution (0.1mm) laser scanner that is available upon request to users of the DigiFab lab. A training will need to be done for users who wish to use the laser scanner, but once trained, users will just need to request the scanner in advance as it is not stored in the DigiFab lab.

There is a small lazy-susan in the lab as well to aid in 3D scanning that users are welcome to use.

DigiFab Materials Information

There are a wide range of materials that can be used in the DigiFab lab. To help those wondering which materials to buy, here is a list of machines and materials that they use. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, but only a starting point for those not sure what materials are available for the various machines in the DigiFab shop. If you have any questions about a specific materials (either listed or not), reach out to the lab manager. If using a new material that is not listed, make sure to get it approved from the lab manager before using it as improper materials can cause potential damage to the machines and/or users.

Raise3D Printer Filament

For the Raise3D printers, only official Raise3D branded filament is allowed to be used. This is to ensure the continued long term use of the Raise3D machines.

Prusa Printer Filament

For the Prusa printers, a wider array of filaments can be used. Below are some high quality materials that work very well on the Prusas, but other brands can be used as well. Just note that cheaper filaments tend to be lower quality so it is reccomended to use a well recognized brand of filament to prevent jamming or other print issues.

FormLabs Resin

The FormLabs resin printers only allow FormLabs resins to be used, however they have a large selection of materials to choose from. FormLabs Resins

MarkForged MarkTwo Filament

MarkTwo Filament

Epilog Laser Cutter Materials

The Epilog Fusion Pro laser is capable of working on a wide range of materials. Below is a list of all approved materials. If you have any questions about potential materials that are not listed below, contact a shop manager to see if a material is safe to cut on the laser. Do NOT use materials that are not approved as they may cause damage to the laser as well as to the health of the user by release of dangerous fumes.

  • Acrylic
  • Birch Plywood (Or other Laser Grade Plywood)
  • Leather
  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Fabric
  • Matte board
  • Delrin
  • Corian
  • Glass (Engrave Only)
  • Coated Metals (Engrave Only)

Explicitly, the following are NOT allowed to be cut on the laser:

  • MDF and Construction Grade Plywood
  • PVC and PVC Materials (Such as Vinyl)
  • Any other material that is known to release toxic fumes when laser cut